Names beginning with Gv
- Gva - the most people with this name lives in: Dallas, TX.
- Gvadauskas - the most people with this name lives in: Scranton, PA.
- Gvadinskas - the most people with this name lives in: Springfield, IL.
- Gvakharia - the most people with this name lives in: Portland, OR, Sunriver, OR, Alexandria, VA.
- Gvalani - the most people with this name lives in: Charlotte, NC.
- Gvalia - the most people with this name lives in: Los Angeles, CA.
- Gvarino - the most people with this name lives in: Staten Island, NY.
- Gvarjaladze - the most people with this name lives in: Iowa City, IA.
- Gvasalia - the most people with this name lives in: Gaithersburg, MD.
- Gvatoua - the most people with this name lives in: Mountain View, CA.
- Gvatua - the most people with this name lives in: Campbell, CA.
- Gvazdauskas - the most people with this name lives in: Scranton, PA, St. Petersburg, FL.
- Gvazdinskas - the most people with this name lives in: Springfield, IL.
- Gvelesiani - the most people with this name lives in: Seattle, WA, Atlanta, GA, Bothell, WA.
- Gvenetadze - the most people with this name lives in: Washington, DC, Atlanta, GA.
- Gventer - the most people with this name lives in: Fort Worth, TX, Cedarburg, WI.
- Gvesrude - the most people with this name lives in: Highland, CA, Moreno Valley, CA.
- Gvi - the most people with this name lives in: Carrollton, TX.
- Gvia - the most people with this name lives in: El Paso, TX.
- Gvildys - the most people with this name lives in: Long Beach, CA, Seminole, FL, Nashville, WI.
- Gvilfoyle - the most people with this name lives in: San Bernardino, CA.
- Gvili - the most people with this name lives in: Staten Island, NY, Beverly Hills, CA, Murrieta, CA.
- Gville - the most people with this name lives in: Greenville, SC.
- Gvillo - the most people with this name lives in: Sammamish, WA.
- Gviniashvili - the most people with this name lives in: Uniontown, OH.
- Gvinter - the most people with this name lives in: Los Angeles, CA, Rockville, MD.
- Gvirtsman - the most people with this name lives in: Mountain View, CA, Brooklyn, NY.
- Gvirtz - the most people with this name lives in: Dallas, TX.
- Gvirtzman - the most people with this name lives in: Baltimore, MD.
- Gvist - the most people with this name lives in: Smyrna, GA, Pleasant Hill, IA, Berea, OH.
- Gvizda - the most people with this name lives in: Manchester, NH.
- Gvodas - the most people with this name lives in: Royersford, PA, Pottstown, PA, Wilkes Barre, PA.
- Gvoich - the most people with this name lives in: Baton Rouge, LA.
- Gvora - the most people with this name lives in: Lafayette, IN.
- Gvozd - the most people with this name lives in: Rockville, MD, Hamilton township, NJ, Manhattan, NY.
- Gvozdak - the most people with this name lives in: Cleveland, OH.
- Gvozdanovic - the most people with this name lives in: Cincinnati, OH, Sunny Isles Beach, FL.
- Gvozdas - the most people with this name lives in: Columbia, MD, St Germain, WI, Los Angeles, CA.
- Gvozden - the most people with this name lives in: Johnstown, PA, Hillsboro, OR, Milwaukee, WI.
- Gvozdenovic - the most people with this name lives in: St. Petersburg, FL, Novato, CA, Lockport, IL.
- Gvozdenovich - the most people with this name lives in: Houston, TX.
- Gvozderac - the most people with this name lives in: Alexandria, VA.
- Gvozdev - the most people with this name lives in: Round Lake, IL, Seattle, WA, Friendship, WI.
- Gvozdeva - the most people with this name lives in: Brooklyn, NY.
- Gvozdevskiy - the most people with this name lives in: Virginia Beach, VA.
- Gvozdic - the most people with this name lives in: Gainesville, FL.
- Gvozdich - the most people with this name lives in: Johnstown, PA, Ebensburg, PA, Saint Michael, PA.
- Gvozdicov - the most people with this name lives in: Portland, OR, Troutdale, OR.
- Gvozdik - the most people with this name lives in: Lincoln, NE.
- Gvozdikovskaia - the most people with this name lives in: Brooklyn, NY.
- Gvozdikovsky - the most people with this name lives in: Brooklyn, NY.
- Gvozdjak - the most people with this name lives in: Wonder Lake, IL, Woodstock, IL, Bellevue, WA.
- Gvozdjan - the most people with this name lives in: Centreville, VA.
- Gvozdov - the most people with this name lives in: Reston, VA.
- Gvozdzius - the most people with this name lives in: Beaverton, OR, Hillsboro, OR.
- Gvozick - the most people with this name lives in: Saint Michael, PA.
- Gvriel - the most people with this name lives in: Orlando, FL.
- Gvuzd - the most people with this name lives in: Caledonia, WI.